Automatic Trolley Reverser
Automatic Trolley Reverser Definition: An Automatic Trolley Reverser is a mechanism used in tramways, specifically designed to automatically reverse the trolley collector at terminal points. This ensures that when the tram changes direction, the trolley collector aligns correctly with the overhead contact line to maintain a continuous power supply. KeyContinue Reading
Automatic Train Stop
Automatic Train Stop Definition: An Automatic Train Stop is a safety mechanism used in conjunction with an automatic signaling system on railways. It consists of a catch that engages a trip-cock on a train when it passes a signal that is set to “danger” (indicating that the train must stop).Continue Reading
Automatic Signaling
Automatic Signaling Definition: Automatic Signaling is a railway signaling system with electric control where signals behind a train are automatically set to danger (red) as soon as the train has passed. The signals remain in this danger position until the train has cleared the current section of track and reachedContinue Reading