Welcome to the Automotive Dictionary Presented by SpeedRevival! We’re here to assist you in making sense of the vast array of auto parts, vehicle components, automotive accessories, and technical information found in the automotive industry. Our dictionary aims to help you understand the wide range of auto-related terms and jargon commonly used in forums, websites, and motorsport events. Whether you’re a professional mechanic, an automotive enthusiast, or simply looking to expand your knowledge, our dictionary is here to support your understanding of the automotive world.
Categories All categories Agricultural Aston-Martin Audi Audio Austin Healey Austro-Daimler Auto Manufacturer Aviation Bicycle Body Brakes Bridges Cadillac Carburetor Chemistry Distribution Drivetrain Driving Electrical Electrical Electronics Energy Production Engine EV EV Vehicles Fabrication Fluids Ford Fuel Hardware helicopter History Honda HVAC Hybrid Induction Industrial IT Kia Law Lighting Manufacturing Mechanical Mercedes-Benz Metallurgy Metrology Motorcycle Nautical Navagation Navigation Nissan Oldsmobile Pontiac Radio Railroad Regional RV Structures Subaru Suspension Testing Tools Toyota Traffic Control Transportation Trucking Trucks United Kingdom Video Welding