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Trailing Link


  • Trailing Link: A front suspension linkage designed to resist longitudinal motions in a wheel. It is mounted to the chassis ahead of the wheel, with the links pivoting forward of the axle.

Characteristics and Function:

  1. Alignment:
  • Orientation: The trailing link is aligned to counteract longitudinal (front-to-back) forces that act on the wheel during acceleration and braking.
  • Mounting: It is mounted to the vehicle chassis ahead of the wheel, ensuring stability and control by managing the forces exerted on the wheel.
  1. Pivot Mechanism:
  • Pivot Point: The links pivot at a point forward of the axle, allowing for controlled movement and maintaining proper wheel alignment during suspension travel.


  1. Front Suspension Systems:
  • Use in Vehicles: Trailing links are commonly used in front suspension systems of various vehicles, including cars and motorcycles, to provide stability and control.
  • Linkage Design: They are part of the linkage design that connects the wheel assembly to the chassis, facilitating smooth longitudinal motion resistance.
  1. Suspension Dynamics:
  • Impact on Handling: By effectively managing the longitudinal forces, trailing links contribute to improved handling, reducing unwanted wheel movements and enhancing driving comfort.
  • Durability: The design of trailing links ensures durability under high-stress conditions, making them suitable for both everyday driving and performance applications.

Parallel Trailing Link Suspension:

  • Description: A suspension design where two trailing links are used in parallel, providing additional stability and improved load distribution.
  • Benefits:
  • Enhanced Control: Offers better control over wheel movement and suspension geometry.
  • Improved Load Distribution: Evenly distributes loads between the links, reducing stress on individual components.

A trailing link is a critical component in a vehicle’s front suspension system, aligned to resist longitudinal wheel motions and mounted to the chassis ahead of the wheel. It pivots forward of the axle, contributing to improved handling and stability. In parallel trailing link suspension systems, the use of dual trailing links offers enhanced control and load distribution, further improving suspension performance.


  • Parallel trailing link suspension
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