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The termbanana bus” is a colloquial expression used to describe an articulated bus. These buses are characterized by their articulated or hinged design, which allows them to bend in the middle to increase passenger capacity without increasing the length of the vehicle significantly. Here are some key points about banana buses:

  1. Articulated Design: Banana buses typically consist of two rigid sections connected by an articulation joint, often resembling the shape of a banana when viewed from above or the side.
  2. Increased Capacity: They are favored in urban transit systems where high passenger volumes are common. The articulated design allows for more seating and standing room compared to traditional buses.
  3. Maneuverability: Despite their length, banana buses are designed to be highly maneuverable, often with enhanced turning capabilities compared to longer buses.
  4. Urban Use: They are commonly seen in dense urban areas with heavy passenger traffic, where their increased capacity helps to reduce congestion and improve efficiency in public transportation.
  5. Operational Considerations: Drivers of banana buses require specialized training due to their articulated nature, especially in navigating tight turns and urban streets.
  6. Advantages: Banana buses offer cost-effective solutions for transporting large numbers of passengers, reducing the number of buses needed on routes with high demand.

Overall, the term “banana bus” reflects the distinctive appearance and functional benefits of articulated buses in urban transit systems.

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