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Belting” is a term used broadly to describe the various materials from which driving belts are made. These belts are used in machinery and equipment to transmit power between rotating shafts or components. Here are some common materials used for belting:

  1. Leather: Historically, leather was one of the earliest materials used for belts due to its strength and durability. It was particularly common in older machinery and industrial applications.
  2. Cotton: Cotton belts are lightweight and flexible, making them suitable for various industrial and agricultural applications where moderate strength and flexibility are required.
  3. Balata: Balata is a natural rubber-like material obtained from certain tropical trees. It has good flexibility and resilience, making it suitable for use in belts that require elasticity and resistance to wear.
  4. Woven Hair: In some historical applications, particularly in early industrial settings, belts were woven from natural animal hair fibers. These belts offered durability and strength.
  5. Plastics: Modern belts are often made from synthetic materials such as nylon, polyester, polyurethane, or various composite materials. These materials offer excellent durability, resistance to abrasion, and flexibility, suitable for a wide range of industrial applications.

Each material has specific properties that make it suitable for different types of machinery and operating conditions. The choice of belting material depends on factors such as the required strength, flexibility, resistance to wear, and the environment in which the belt will operate.

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